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diggs 04-01-2011 05:32 PM

emission evap small leak
had that come up as a code. poped the hood and it turns out a wire .. looks like it was coming from the evap.. thingy or whatver right above the airbox. it has clips to hold it back in place ( the wires )..... they were laying down by the turbo and it burned them to a crip.... so when i saw that i new that was the problem... so anyway got it fixed... 2 starts later came right back on....... although i didnt check it to see if it is that or the fuel pressure code i sometimes get.... my question is.. i heard someone say on here that when u fix something in the emssion evap things ... small leak large leak on that line.. that it takes a couple times. to bunk the code out.. idk if thats true..... or that... even though i havent threw a fuel pressure code. in a bout a year that it is because the dealership cleared my memeory so .. it will act different.. cause of driving styles. anyone ?????? im getting sick of seeing my check engine light:mad:

Audi Dan 04-06-2011 04:49 PM


The reason the CEL came back on is that you probably still have the leak. It takes the computer three or four pressure test failures to decide that you do in fact have a leak. These tests are automatically run by the car several minutes after start up. What happens is the fuel tank and it's evap control lines get pressurized to a know pressure. It then waits a few seconds and checks the pressure again. If it has dropped too far, it throws a code. Yours was (and still probably is) dropping pressure only a very small amount, therefore, the "small leak" code.

I hate to break the bad news to you, but a "small evap leak" is the worst of the evap codes. Small leaks are really difficult to find. It can be something as small as a pinhole in a line or fitting somewhere. Have someone check the code, and if it does come back "small evap leak", find a garage with a smoke injector to do a test. They will pump smoke into you gas tank under slight pressure and then check all the lines and fitting for a leak.

Now for some good news. This small leak won't hurt your car. You will need to get it fixed before getting your next inspection sticker, and don't try to just re-set the CEL, because the inspector will know because he will get a "not ready" code on his software.

Good luck.

diggs 04-07-2011 06:15 PM

naw . my problem (or question is)..... i had the small evap leak. actually nothing was leaking at all..... when i poped the hood the wires that were comming off from near the airbox. well they somehow came off whatver they were clipped to and were hanging down by the turbo... they melted...... as soon as i saw it i was like ok thats why my light is on.. so anyway i got it fixed the the dealership........ go out start the car good......... go to work come out start the car check engine. light so i check it and it comes up. p0089 fuel pressure. . i have delt with this before...... so my question is i used to get the fuel pressure code. then it went away after a while..... well it came right back after i was at audi.... then my one friend said it was cuz they cleared your driving history in the computer........umm.. does that make sense can anyone help with that....... only thing i no is i havent have a code since i was last at the dealership and that was about a year........and havent had it come up

Audi Tek 04-08-2011 07:44 PM

No, deleting fault memory will not rest your "driving habits". The ECM doesn't actually learn driver habits.... Automatic transmission TCMs or Mechatronic units do.

Your problem is most likely the low pressure fuel switch.

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