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Who ACTUALLY believes in Conspiracy theories?

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Old 12-31-2007, 02:02 PM
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4th Gear
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Default RE: Who ACTUALLY believes in Conspiracy theories?

Sorry - but if you truly believe that 9/11 is an inside job then go chase leprechans or buy some ocean front property in Arizona.

I've actually wasted hours watching all those youtube mockumentries - it's like listening to armchair quarterbacks dictating football plays to their tv sets.

They don't know sheet.

As for calling these guys novices - again that's a stupid assumption - I've seen a 40 year old, 130 lb woman require 4 cops to take her down. Now you believe some flight attendants going against 4 fanatical grown men with cutting utensils are going to effectivelyhandle them???

As for the little puffs of smoke that appear as the buildings collapse - have you seen concrete buckle under emmense pressure? Neither have I. But my old friend has - who happens to be a full bird colonel in the Army's Corps of Engineers -when he saw a dam collapse in Italy - steel reinforced concrete exploded like it was sabotaged. Took a few years to find out that the structural integrity of the dam was compromised and so on... But he told me what's on the tapes is normal - no conspiracy there.

Hearing reporters on the street that day talk about hearing explosions and such - you as a soldier know that civilians wouldn't know the difference from a M16, .50 cal or a firecracker when they hear it.

Case in point - some say one of the planes was a military transport plane - this is from their observations and blurred video. So what does that mean? That the actual flight that disappeared that day - and the people in it - were all disposed of somewhere else??

Then the absolute absurd notion that explosives took the building down is beyond explanation. How can people not notice tons of explosives (not to mention the miles of wiring to pull this off) in an office building that thousands work in every day?

Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe in swallowing every explanation hook, lineand sinker - but this is what it is. A well thought out and executed plan that no one could have anticipated. These guys were not "novices" these were fanatics that were hell bent to execute their plan. Some had taken courses to fly airplanes - especially the large commercial liners - they even trained using Microsofts Flight Simulator before hand.

What irritates me is that this kind of crap works people up and muddies all kind of coherent rational thought. And thus completely disrespects those that did have the time and the courage to fight against the terrorists on Flight 93 and almost succeeded in taking back their flight but died heroically instead fortheir efforts...

So, go buy a 12 pack sit back and relax, mate - and take it from this old soldier, just forget all this - 9/11 happened pretty much as it has been described and any more talk of the Illuminati and me and my Masonic brothers will be knocking on your door in a matter of minutes

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