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***The Offical Seinfeld Thread***

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Old 09-22-2007, 01:30 AM
BAMF's Avatar
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Default RE: ***The Offical Seinfeld Thread***

Man, there are too many good moments/episodes to list. Even though the show is 10+ years old and I've seen every episode numerous times, it is still hilarious.

One of my favorites is when George confesses to Jerry that he isn't confident about his abilities to perform oral on a woman. Jerry responds, "No one is! I think they're just happy that you make the effort." I can't remember the whole exchange, but it cracks me up every time!
Old 09-23-2007, 02:48 AM
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I would have been when it was playing, but i didnt do college. I was too busy building a career :P

I watched it a few times and Seinfeld is just ... not funny .... Kramer is amusing, but everyone else is just annoying heh
if you dont think seinfelds funny you have no sense of humor
Old 09-23-2007, 02:49 AM
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Default RE: ***The Offical Seinfeld Thread***

ORIGINAL: kolbs_91

Holy crap!! I can't believe this thread didn't even reach two full pages!!

Oh, well. I now declare this thread RESURRECTED (maybe).
damn you really were bored yesterday, i asked if there was a seinfeld thread and you found it and resurrected it
Old 09-23-2007, 08:12 AM
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Default RE: ***The Offical Seinfeld Thread***

One of my favorites is when George and Kramer were argueing over the statue that George broke when he was younger and seeing McArthur Park so Jerry says, "Let's settle this like adults..... should we do Ink-a-Dink?" They proceed to do Ink-a-Dink and Jerry plays in Georges favor so Kramer just throws the statue, like meh... freaking hillarious (the Ink-a-Dink mainly). I also enjoy pretty much every scene Kramer's in, he's in, his antics are awesome and super funny. Or how-a-bout the Elaine Dance, fuggin love this ****. I can relate to almost every situation they present on the show, that's part of the reason I find it so humerous.
Old 09-23-2007, 11:56 AM
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Default RE: ***The Offical Seinfeld Thread***


Does when it went off the air count?
[sm=jawdrop.gif] could one be so cruel??

I think my all-time favorite is "The Pen". lol. Elaine gets wacked out on muscle relaxers and starts screaming "Stella!!" when she hears that is Jerry's aunt's name. I never get sick of that episode.
Old 09-23-2007, 12:04 PM
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Default RE: ***The Offical Seinfeld Thread***


Does when it went off the air count?
Old 09-23-2007, 01:07 PM
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Default RE: ***The Offical Seinfeld Thread***

now just STOP IT all you "anti-seinfeld's"!!!![:@]
if you took any time to see the story lines they used, you'ld have to agree that it's a great show.
and you can't just watch one or two episodes to form an opinion.
it's amazing that the writers were able to come up with a sit com that was like no other!

i guess it's ok if you don't agree with long as you like milk duds.
if you don't like milk duds OR seinfeld, then we may have a bigger problem.
Old 09-23-2007, 05:30 PM
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Default RE: ***The Offical Seinfeld Thread***

I love Milk Duds. The primary reason I don't like Seinfeld (or The Simpsons, for that matter) is that it's one of those shows that so many people just seem to ABSOLUTELY LOVE reflexively. To be perfectly honest, I generally find it to be entertaining. However, I've never really been blown away by it because there are just as many things about it that I don't like as there are that I like.

So when everybody and their brother is always in-your-face about how it's the greatest damn TV show ever, and the moment you say anything to the effect of "well, it's not bad but I don't especially like it better than some other shows", they act as if you've just called their sainted mother a disease-ridden *****. It's almost as irritating as watching George have another ridiculous breakdown after blowing some small thing terribly out of proportion. I tend to become intentionally antagonistic about it then, just because I know it pisses offall those die-hard Seinfeld and Simpsonsfans.

But don't get me started on Curb Your Enthusiasm, that show is beyond bad. [:'(]
Old 09-23-2007, 06:15 PM
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Default RE: ***The Offical Seinfeld Thread***

I like the one where Jerry gets the black and white cookie. It upsets his stomach and he feels like throwing up, but he doesn't want to ruin his multiple-year streak of not throwing up. I can relate to this because when I know I am going to throw up, even though it is inevitible, I fight it until the end. Then I usually get pissed because I'm like, "Dammit, I haven't thrown up since last year!"
Old 09-23-2007, 06:19 PM
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I like the one where Jerry gets the black and white cookie. It upsets his stomach and he feels like throwing up, but he doesn't want to ruin his multiple-year streak of not throwing up. I can relate to this because when I know I am going to throw up, even though it is inevitible, I fight it until the end. Then I usually get pissed because I'm like, "Dammit, I haven't thrown up since last year!"
lol. That one was awesome. George and Kramer go to a liquor store to get some wine for that party, and get blocked in by that guy they thought was Saddam Hussein.

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