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i think playa just got deleted

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Old 01-18-2007, 02:57 AM
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Default RE: i think playa just got deleted

hmmmm i didnt know mods could read PMs
Old 01-18-2007, 03:27 AM
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Default RE: i think playa just got deleted

yeah, he did, I calle him a little bit ago.... banned as can be
Old 01-18-2007, 03:28 AM
chaos92287's Avatar
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Default RE: i think playa just got deleted

they can't. at least not to my knowledge, but people can forward stuff to mods. and yup JP is gone. another one bites dust and im just about done...
Old 01-18-2007, 03:36 AM
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Default RE: i think playa just got deleted

As much as I like it here... I too may be on the next train out. I'm sure I'll have my name drug through the mud, but if its people like that around here, I don't want to be involved anyway.
Old 01-18-2007, 04:35 AM
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Default RE: i think playa just got deleted

Maybe everyone should be banned and then we start over fresh. Lol.
Old 01-18-2007, 08:19 AM
AWDaholic's Avatar
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Default RE: i think playa just got deleted

As harsh as this may sound, it's THEIR sandbox. The Mods and Admins are theoretically acting in the best interests of the forum OWNERS. Most were hand-picked, not elected or randomly chosen. Personally, I wudn't wanna be where I'm not wanted. Wudn't hafta bann me. I'd roll... But thats just me.

having said THAT, I do understand BOTH sides. Playa WAS getting better; but you DO hafta draw a line SOMEWHERE and stick to it. His public attacks were always (to the best of MY knowledge, anyway) followed up with PM's apologizing or explaining his position/reasoning; but public perception is all that's available to defend as private actions are known by few. He DID do things behind the scenes that few, if any, other members bothered to do, in support of our community (how many of us even KNEW lauren was havin surgery? I know *I* didn't, and *I* feel bad that I didn't); but the things he did up front are what jeopardized the community. Life ain't not NEVER fair, and no good deed EVER goes unpunished. Some of you have chosen to attack Karl... I think thats as UNFAIR to Karl as YOU say He's being/has been to James. Two wrongs, and all that. Karl was acting in the interests of teh forum, AS A WHOLE, not just one persons' (in this case, Jimmy's) interest. Right or wrong (not my call, since I lack the moral authority AND check-signing authority), He did what He felt was best for ALL OF US. If you happen to think Karls a POS for doing it, calling him on it publically isn't a very adult way to handle it. PM him. If he doesn't respond, THAT's HIS perogative. He's not OBLIGATED to reply to EVERY bone-headed note he recieves any more than YOU are. Americans (and those who've only had a small taste of America) AMAZE me. 99% of you seem to AUTOMATICALLY think you're RIGHT, just because you have a muhphugkin opinion, and ANYBODY who doesn't see things 100% YOUR way is a <insert your favorite invective, HERE>. ANYbody who doesn't FOLLOW your beliefs, be they:
[ul][*]Religious[*]Political[*]Professional[*]Personal[*]Automotive[*]Choice-of-lifestyle[*]Reason for drinking/speeding/talking/thinking/etc[/ul] OBVIOUSLY a <insert name of whatever group your favorite talking-head, from TV, hates, HERE>, and UNAmerican, and must therefore DIE!!! So phugkin SURE of yourselves, and so phugkin HYPOCRITICAL. 99.99% of you give the rest of us a BAD NAME.

James MADE his CHOICE, right/wrong/indifferent. Karl made HIS, right/wrong/indifferent. Neither are obligated to adhere to what YOU think should have happened. GET OVER YOURSELVES, you're NOT that important. Not to US, and certainly not to the rest of the planet. State your opinion and bounce. We'll agree, or we won't. Ranting on, and on, and ON about it won't change ANYBODY's mind. If you think it's all that unfair, take your Audi interests (and your potential advertising dollars) elsewhere. If you think it's the way things ought to be, then you're already happy, and prolly haven't said much about it, other than to maybe cheer, quietly, to yourself.

James was not the first to ever get banned from here, and certainly won't be the last. JP wasn't the first to get kicked for PMing invitations to competing forums (as you old-heads well know) and prolly won't be the last. And, HONESTLY, those of you who don't think the Admins/Mods DON'T have the ability to read your PM's obviously don't understand how things function, behind the scenes. You think those emails you send to your buddies, at work, are "private?!?!?" HA!!! Dreamers! If its on a server (and, it IS) it can be read by an Admin.

Now, if anybody, and I do mean ANYBODY wants to call ME out on this, be an ADULT and PM me. I'll shoot you back a contact # and we can scream at each other, PERSONALLY. Or, set up a meet and resolve our differences in an alternative manner of your choosing (I'm pretty good at Billiards, for instance, so you might not wanna challenge me to 9-ball, or Straight, for that matter; but I absoutely SUCK at jacks, soooo...).

blah, blah, blah, sch1t ain't fair, blah, blah, blah, rg's a d1kc, blah, blah, blah, jimmy's a saint, the milk-of-human-kindness, blah, blah, blah...
Move on...

EDYT: Hadda fix a couple of spellink prolems
Old 01-18-2007, 08:47 AM
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Default RE: i think playa just got deleted

^^ Best post ever.. seriously it deserves an award
Old 01-18-2007, 09:59 AM
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Default RE: i think playa just got deleted

deinately a vote to MOD for awd and the speech is 100% adult answer+ + +s
Old 01-18-2007, 12:36 PM
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Default RE: i think playa just got deleted

my question is this though: WhyJP was banned without warning for PM'ing a few people to let them know about the other site?

In no shape way or form was he running names through the mud, or even down-talking AF. It was no different than saying "hey, join AudiWorld, or Audizine". I feel that some people around here are starting to have an "agenda".
Old 01-18-2007, 02:04 PM
AWDaholic's Avatar
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Default RE: i think playa just got deleted

Then you should be asking your question HERE:

Ranting about it, publically, may SEEM like the way to get things done, if you're of teh same mindset as all the protesters we see on TV, but, lacking media coverage, I doubt you'll find any satisfaction airing your displeasure HERE, on the AF boards.

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